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SDK Authentication that simplifies complexity

SDKs offer an opportunity to simplify authentication by providing classes and methods necessary to authorize a connection. 3 common authentication approaches are HTTP basic, API access token and OAuth. For example, HTTP basic authentication requires a username and password to be properly encoded and passed as a header parameter.

Below is an example of how HTTP basic could be written by a developer without an SDK. (not including the deserializing, logging, error handling, etc).

String valueToEncode = "foo:bar";
String header = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(valueToEncode.getBytes());

HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.uri(new URI(""))
.header("Authorization", header)

Write your SDK to handle the complexity so developers can focus on using your API.

Below is an example of how HTTP basic might look for a developer using your SDK.

DefaultClient defaultClient = new DefaultClient();
defaultClient.init("foo", "bar");

ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(defaultClient);

// listUsers handles setting the authorization header automatically
List<User> users = apiClient.listUsers();

Complex authentication like OAuth2, can be embedded in your SDK or kept independent for developers to implement.

Tale of Two SDKs

While developing Xero’s Java SDK, we chose to include the google-api-client library as a dependency in our SDK to handle the OAuth2 code flow. This meant developers would write the code to interface directly with the google-api-client library. To help we provided code examples in the form of a starter project. Developers could choose to swap in another OAuth library or use the one we included.

Xero’s NodeJS SDK includes the openid-client dependency to handle OAuth. Developers use the XeroClient class as the interface to obtain and manage access tokens. A benefit of this approach is that token expiration and refreshing is handled automatically before each API call.

One approach offers more flexibility and the other a more seamless (though tightly coupled) experience. It’s up to you to decide which one works best for your developers.

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