📄️ Prepare to build SDKs
To build SDKs, consider your developer audience and their use cases, which programming languages to support, frameworks to target, and whether to use code generation. Additionally, decide whether to make the SDKs open source or proprietary, support asynchronous programming paradigms, and evaluate security for server-side vs client-side usage.
📄️ Naming conventions
Follow Azure's naming conventions for class, method and model names. Ensure your code is clear & understandable. Avoid generic terms, abbreviations, and stop words. Bring consistency to your SDKs. Enhance readability & usability.
📄️ Idiomatic code
Writing SDKS with idiomatic code to create more efficient & familiar code. Get coding style recommendations, guidelines, linting tools & more for Java, Ruby, C#, Python, PHP & TypeScript/JavaScript.
📄️ Code Hinting
Speed up your development process with SDKs. Take advantage of code completion and integrated documentation like JavaDocs, XML Doc Comments, pyDoc, phpDocumentor, JSDoc and RDoc to get the most out of your SDK projects.