📄️ Introduction
Swagger Codegen and OpenAPI Generator, two popular open source projects for code generation. Comparison based on contributors, code commits, GitHub activity, and more. The best way to evaluate is to try it out
📄️ Getting Started
OpenAPI Generator allows you to quickly create SDKs for various languages from a given API specification. Using the Petstore API specification, we can generate a TypeScript SDK with OpenAPI Generator.
📄️ Generate an SDK
Build a Typescript Fetch SDK using OpenAPI Generator CLI. Learn how to generate the SDK, install dependencies, configure TypeScript, and compile it to JavaScript. Then use the SDK in a sample app.
📄️ Try out the SDK
Learn how to build a sample app using local code as a dependency and tips for adding a local dependency to your project. Discover how to get a list of pets and generate documentation with OpenAPI generator.
📄️ Generate Documentation
This article compares different templates for generating documentation with OpenAPI generator. The article also highlights the limitations of template for generating runnable code snippets.